Friday, July 17, 2015

Government Spending on School Funding

On July 14th, the Austin American Statesman posted an article titled “Not every district gets a boost in funding” where state school funding distribution is discussed.  In Texas, an estimated $1.5 billion will be added to school funding in the next two years.  But with this additional money, some school districts, including Eanes, will receive less state funding for education in the coming 2015-2016 school year.  There are also new state mandates that will cost school districts money, such as “installing cameras in special education classrooms, changing campus signs for new gun laws, and supplying 1.5 percent more to employee’ retirement.”  While some argue there is an acceptable amount of educational funding, they question how the funds should be disbursed as well as the cost-of-education index, something that was last updated in 1990.  While there are funds available, the solution to helping Texas children may need to come from new and innovative ways rather than simply the collection of more money.  This article is worth reading because it provides information that is important for the public to know whether they have children in schools or not.  This basic information allows the public to form ideas and opinions on how taxes are used for school funding.

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